Andres “Ace” Cabrera entered the match with a record of 5-1. His career accuracy in the Star Wars division was 87.22%. He represented SWAG.
“The Major” Thomas Harper entered the match with a record of 2-0. His career accuracy in the Star Wars division was 100%. He represented The Den.
First Round
Cabrera missed two questions, scoring eight out of a possible ten points. Harper missed two questions, earning eight out of a possible ten points.
The missed questions were:
Category: Revenge of the Sith
In Revenge of the Sith, when Padmé confronts Anakin on Mustafar, she says Obi-Wan told her that Anakin “turned to the dark side” and had done “what”? (Exact quote needed.)
Harper’s Answer: Terrible things
Cabrera’s Answer: Killing younglings
Correct Answer: Killed younglings
Category: The Rise of Skywalker
Palpatine says, “Long have I waited and now, your coming together is your” what?
Harper’s Answer: Doom
Correct Answer: Undoing
Category: Mixed Bag
Performer Mike Quinn returned to the Star Wars franchise to portray which character in The Force Awakens?
Cabrera’s Answer: PZ-4CO
Correct Answer: Nien Numb
The score at the end of the first round was 8-8.
Second Round
Cabrera deferred so Harper spun first. He got The Force Awakens and kept it. He answered five out of five questions correctly and earned ten out of a possible ten points.
Cabrera spun A New Hope and kept it. He answered five out of five questions correctly and earned ten out of a possible ten points.
The score at the end of the second round was 18-18.
Third Round
Harper went first. His two-point question was in the category of The Jedi Order and he got it correct.
What Jedi Master says “What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?” in Revenge of the Sith?
Harper’s Answer: Ki-Adi-Mundi
Correct Answer: Ki-Adi-Mundi
Cabrera’s two-point question was in the category of The Phantom Menace and he got it correct.
What does Shmi Skywalker tell Padmé that everything revolves around when it comes to podracing?
Cabrera’s Answer: Gambling
Correct Answer: Gambling
Harper’s three-point question was in the category of Heroes and he got it correct.
In The Rise of Skywalker, when Chewbacca is captured, he is taken to what interrogation room number?
Harper’s Answer: 6
Correct Answer: 6
Cabrera’s three-point question was in the category of Who Said it? and he got it correct.
In The Last Jedi, who first said “We are the spark that will light the fire that will restore the Republic”?
Cabrera’s Answer: Vice Admiral Holdo
Correct Answer: Vice Admiral Holdo
Harper’s five-point question was in the category of Return of the Jedi and he got it correct.
In Return of the Jedi, Admiral Ackbar tells Green group to stay close to what holding sector?
Harper’s Answer: MV-7
Correct Answer: MV-7
Cabrera’s five-point question was in the category of Weapons, Vehicles, and Technology and he got it correct.
What is the name of Admiral Ackbar’s command ship during the Battle of Endor?
Cabrera’s Answer: Home One
Correct Answer: Home One
The score at the end of the third round was 28-28.
Sudden Death
Harper won the match on the sixth question of sudden death.
What is the name of the bat-like character seen getting a drink in A New Hope?
Harper’s Answer: Kabe
Cabrera’s Answer: Wioslea
Correct Answer: Kabe
The final score was 33-32 to Harper.
Other Details
Cabrera answered 21 of the 24 questions asked of him correctly for an accuracy of 87.50%. His record is now 5-2.
Harper answered 22 of the 24 questions asked of him correctly for an accuracy of 91.67%. His record is now 3-0. He advances to the final of the Star Wars Tournament.