Following the announcement of five new slices on this past Saturday’s Root of the Question show with Ben Bateman and Andrew Ghai, the rest of the new slices for Season 8 were announced on today’s Backstage.
The five slices announced on the Action Guys are:
- Black Cinema
- Martial Arts
- Nicolas Cage
- Ed Harris
- IG: Alien/Predator
The rest of the new slices announced on Backstage are:
- IG: Planet of the Apes
- IG: Transformers
- IG: X-Men
- IG: Spider-Man
- IG: Batman
- IG: Superman
- IG: Dystopian Future
- IG: Time Travel (though this may be a combined slice with Dystopian Future, we’re not 100% sure)
- IG: Swashbuckling Adventure (this includes the Pirates of the Caribbean movies)
- IG: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- IG: Jurassic Park
- IG: Animated
- IG: Graphic Novels
- IG: Mixed Bag
- Lucasfilm
- Akiro Kurosawa
- David Lynch
- Frank Capra
- Guillermo Del Toro
- M. Night Shyamalan
- Robert Rodriguez
- Robert De Niro
- Al Pacino
- Paul Newman
- Robert Redford
- Sean Connery
- Jack Nicholson
- Antonio Banderas
- Kevin Hart
- Jackie Chan
- Bruce Willis
- Keanu Reeves
- Jimmy Stewart
- Emily Blunt
- Frances McDormand
- Halle Berry
- Jennifer Lopez
- Oprah Winfrey
- Reese Witherspoon
- Whoopi Goldberg
- Dreamworks
- Mystery
- Spoof Movies
- Wrestlers in Film
- Stephen King
This is a lot of new slices and it will be interesting to see who puts what on the wheel and how the slices are used strategically.