During her Schmoedown career, “Marvelous” Marie Wilson competed in the Star Wars division. Drafted by Samm Levine in the 2021 Schmoedown draft, she was a member of The Usual Suspects during Season 8: War. Here are her reflections on the show that we all love, in her own words.
Looking back on the Schmoedown, what is the most memorable moment that you were personally involved in?
It would have to be my last match which was against Alex Damon. For so many reasons this was my dream match from the very beginning. Being able to go up against him head-to-head (as opposed to in a group setting like at DragonCon) and pull out the W was absolutely monumental for me. It was also a really fun, laidback match and Brad Gilmore/Steph Sabraw were having a blast. And I played the match pretty darn well with a challenge and a steal, despite missing loads of questions in Round 1. The writers really wanted to test us, that’s for sure!! I’m thankful this match in particular was such a challenge though because it made the experience all the more enjoyable and exciting.
What is the most memorable moment that you were not involved in?
While I never saw Smets play before this season, I knew the impact he’d had on the Schmoedown in seasons past. When he showed up at Spectacular last year in that super WWE-style reveal, I was in awe–it was perfect!
Which of your matches would you say is the best you played?
Probably the best match I played was the one I lost strangely enough. I only missed 1 question (which I just didn’t hear correctly) and checked down to multiple choice once. So I was down 3 points from a perfect score (including the Round 1 bonus)…so freaking close!! Of course, the questions make all the difference…and these questions were a bit easier than some of the questions in my match with Alex. Regardless, I was super proud of how I played even though I lost.
Which match that didn’t involve you would you say is the best you ever saw?
If we’re going with accuracy and level of knowledge here, I’d have to say the first title match between Andrew Dimalanta and Alex Damon. I mean come on, 50 to 51?? that’s crazy!!
How would you describe the Schmoedown’s impact on you?
Podcasts. I have been invited on to so many podcasts since I joined the Schmoedown and that has been a truly rewarding adventure. I’ve even joined a Star Wars podcast (Let’s Taco Bout Star Wars) as a regular co-host. My co-host and I would never have met if not for the Schmoedown!
What will you miss most about the Schmoedown?
Just watching it really. I’ve become deeply invested in all the players, matches, and storylines and am beyond saddened about it coming to an end. It truly feels like a mid-season cancellation of a favorite TV show…something I’m all too familiar with.
Marie Wilson can be found on Twitter @AliaMorgaine.