During his Schmoedown career, Evan Bushkar, known as Gold Leader, competed in the Star Wars and teams divisions. Drafted by Tom Dagnino in the 2021 Schmoedown draft, he was a member of The Finstock Exchange during Season 8: War and Season 9: Reboot. Here are his reflections on the show we all love, in his own words.
Looking back on the Schmoedown, what is the most memorable moment that you were personally involved in?
You mean apart from wiping the smile off Zack Burkett’s face, I assume. I’d say my most memorable moment was taking the stage at Spectacular with the whole Finstock Exchange. We were champions. The greatest faction to ever exist in the Schmoedown. And standing among them was one of the true honors of my life.
What is the most memorable moment that you were not involved in?
The most memorable moment that I wasn’t involved in would probably have to be watching Alex Damon defend the belt in Chicago. I was a fan of the Schmoedown a while before that. But that event made me want to be a part of it.
Which of your matches would you say is the best you played?
I probably played best in my match with Zack Burkett. Or one of the others wherein I went perfect. You know I went perfect a few times, right? Wasn’t I the first guy to play two 100% PPE matches in a row? Or was that someone else? Just checking but wow was I great, huh?
Which match that didn’t involve you would you say is the best you ever saw?
Come on. The Iron Man match between Witwer and Napzok. Truly one of the greatest competitive feats of Star Wars knowledge I’ve seen. And it was just so damn fun to watch.
How would you describe the Schmoedown’s impact on you?
Genuinely it gave me so much. I started working in the film industry full-time because of the connections I’ve made in the Schmoedown. I’ve made several lifelong friends that I’ll be seeing at least once a year at Star Wars Celebration. I found a neat little weird community of people that give a shit about the same niche things I do. And that means so much to me.
What will you miss most about the Schmoedown?
Getting to break people’s hopes by being a bigger nerd. I’ll miss the chance to eviscerate Thomas Harper. And I’ll miss being able to run laps around Zack Burkett. Gold Leader, over and out.
Evan Bushkar can be found on Twitter @EvanBushkar.