“Marvelous” Marie Wilson entered the match with a record of 1-0. Her career accuracy in the Star Wars division was 83.33%. She represented The Usual Suspects.
Gold Leader entered the match with a record of 1-0. His career accuracy in the Star Wars division was 94.44%. He represented The Finstock Exchange.
First Round
Wilson missed one question, scoring nine out of a possible ten points. Gold Leader had a perfect round and hit the bonus question, earning eleven out of a possible eleven points.
The missed question was:
Category: Attack of the Clones
In Attack of the Clones, Anakin says that he has not seen Padmé in how long?
Wilson’s Answer: ages
Correct Answer: 10 years
The score at the end of the first round was 11-9 to Gold Leader.
Second Round
Gold Leader deferred so Wilson spun first. Wilson spun Spinner’s Choice and chose Rogue One. She went to multiple-choice once, answered five out of five questions correctly, and earned nine out of a possible ten points.
Gold Leader spun The Rise of Skywalker and kept it. He answered five out of five questions correctly and earned ten out of a possible ten points.
The score at the end of round two was 21-18 to Gold Leader.
Third Round
Wilson’s two-point question was in the category of Vehicles, Weapons, and Technology and she got it correct.
What is the melee weapon of choice of the Sandpeople?
Wilson’s Answer: Gaderffii stick
Correct Answer: Gaderffii or gaffi stick
Wilson’s three-point question was in the category of Who Said It? and she got it correct.
Which villainous character says the line, “I admire anyone who can crawl their way out of a sewer”?
Wilson’s Answer: Dryden Vos
Correct Answer: Dryden Vos
Gold Leader’s two-point question was in the category of The Last Jedi and he got it correct.
The Lanai of Ahch-To are better known by this name?
Gold Leader’s Answer: The Caretakers
Correct Answer: The Caretakers
Gold Leader’s three-point question was in the category of Heroes and he got it correct.
In Attack of the Clones, which Jedi says “If they do, you must realize there aren’t enough Jedi to protect the Republic. We’re keepers of the peace, not soldiers”?
Gold Leader’s Answer: Mace Windu
Correct Answer: Mace Windu
Wilson’s five-point question was in the category of Return of the Jedi and she got it correct.
What class of ship is the Home One?
Wilson’s Answer: MC-80 Starcruiser
Correct Answer: MC-80 Starcruiser
Gold Leader’s five-point question was in the category of The Empire Strikes Back and he got it correct.
In The Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo is told by Tigran Jamiro that his Tauntaun will freeze before he reaches what?
Gold Leader’s Answer: The first marker
Correct Answer: The first marker
The final score was 31-28 to Gold Leader.
Other Details
Wilson answered 17 of the 18 questions asked to her correctly for an accuracy of 94.44%. Her record is now 1-1.
Gold Leader answered 19 of the 19 questions asked to him correct for an accuracy of 100%. His record is now 2-0. He next plays Zack Burkett in the second round of the Star Wars tournament.