Champion Andrew “The Hunter” Dimalanta entered the match with a record of 3-3. His career accuracy in the Star Wars division was 94.44%. He represented The Quirky Mercs.
Alex “The Demon” Damon entered the match with a record of 6-2. His career accuracy in the Star Wars division was 93.23%. He represented The Stars.
First Round
Dimalanta missed two questions, scoring eight out of a possible ten points. Damon missed two questions, earning eight out of a possible ten points.
The missed questions were:
Category: The Rise of Skywalker
At the end of The Rise of Skywalker, what type of creature accompanies the woman who asks for Rey’s name?
Damon’s Answer: Eopie
Correct Answer: Eatobi
Category: Heroes & Villains
Who plays the character of Notluwiski Papanoida in Revenge of the Sith?
Dimalanta’s Answer: Katie Lucas
Correct Answer: George Lucas
Category: Return of the Jedi
In Return of the Jedi, Han says “Luke? Luke’s crazy. He can’t even take care of himself, much less” what?
Damon’s Answer: Rescue anyone
Correct Answer: Rescue anybody
Category: Vehicles, Weapons, and Technology
What is the class of battleship that was the primary capital ship for the Trade Federation’s Trade Defense Force in The Phantom Menace?
Dimalanta’s Answer: Lucar Hulk
Correct Answer: Lucrechulk
The score at the end of the first round was 8-8.
Second Round
Dimalanta deferred so Damon spun first. He got Revenge of the Sith and kept it. He answered three out of five questions correctly and earned six out of a possible ten points.
Dimalanta stole both of Damon’s misses for four points.
Who objects when Senator Amidala insists on flying to Mustafar without him?
Damon’s Answer: C-3PO
Dimalanta’s Answer: Gregar Typho
Correct Answer: Gregar Typho
In Revenge of the Sith, the opening scrawl states “Two Jedi knights lead a” what “mission to rescue the captured Chancellor”?
Damon’s Answer: Daring
Dimalanta’s Answer: Desperate
Correct Answer: Desperate
Dimalanta spun Mixed Bag, decided to spin again, and got Heroes & VIllains. He answered five out of five questions correctly and earned ten out of a possible ten points.
The score at the end of round two was 22-14 to Dimalanta.
Third Round
DImalanta spun Revenge of the Sith for the betting round. Both bet three points and got the question correct.
The score at the end of round three was 25-17 to Dimalanta.
Fourth Round
Dimalanta deferred so Damon went first in the speed round. Damon answered all ten questions correctly and earned ten out of a possible ten points. Dimalanta missed one question and earned eight out of a possible ten points.
The score at the end of round four was 33-27 to Dimalanta.
Fifth Round
Damon’s two-point question was in the category of The Empire Strikes Back and he got it correct.
In The Empire Strikes Back, while battling Luke, Darth Vader tells Luke that Obi-Wan has taught him well to control his what?
Damon’s Answer: Fear
Correct Answer: Frea
Damon’s three-point question was in the category of Planets & Locations and he got it correct.
In The Force Awakens, when Rey meets BB-8 she tells him to stay away from what in the north?
Damon’s Answer: The sinking fields
Correct Answer: The sinking fields
Damon’s five-point question was in the category of Star Wars Underworld and he got it correct.
In The Clone Wars, we learn that Zero the Hutt is master of the Hutt clan on how many systems?
Damon’s Answer: 7
Correct Answer: 7
Dimalanta’s two-point question was in the category of Star Wars Heroes and he got it correct.
In Attack of the Clones, how long has Padmé worked to defeat the Military Creation Act?
Dimalanta’s Answer: 1 year
Correct Answer: 1 year
Dimalanta’s three-point question was in the category of The Last Jedi and he got it correct.
What is the name of the First Order security bureau colonel who apprehends Finn and his crew aboard the Supremacy alongside Phasma?
Dimalanta’s Answer: Ansiv Garmuth
Correct Answer: Ansiv Garmuth
The final score was 38-37 to Dimalanta.
Other Details
Damon answered 25 of the 29 questions asked to him correctly for an accuracy of 86.21%. His record is now 6-3.
Including steal opportunities, Dimalanta answered 27 of the 30 questions asked to him correctly for an accuracy of 90.00%. His record is now 4-3.