During her Schmoedown career, Mollie “The Maverick” Damon competed in the Star Wars division. Signed by Samm Levine as a free agent, she was a member of The Usual Suspects during Season 7: The New Era and was a member of The Dungeon during Season 8: War. Here are her reflections on the show we all love, in her own words.
Looking back on the Schmoedown, what is the most memorable moment that you were personally involved in?
I think I’d have to go with my very first match which was the 5 way live Star Wars match at Star Wars Celebration Chicago! I was crazy nervous but also so excited and it was so much fun to play and meet fans afterward.
What is the most memorable moment that you were not involved in?
Sticking with Star Wars celebration Chicago I think the most memorable moment I wasn’t involved with was watching Alex compete and win at the live event! The theater was packed with Star Wars fans and lots of people had their lightsabers up in the air and the atmosphere was crazy! So fun.
Which of your matches would you say is the best you played?
I think the best match I played was my match against Andrew Dimalanta when I had a perfect round 1.
Which match that didn’t involve you would you say is the best you ever saw?
I gotta go with 51-50. I was in the other room trying to listen to Alex’s answers and figure out how long they had been going and it was so intense! Watching the match afterward was just as exciting!
How would you describe the Schmoedown’s impact on you?
It’s had a huge impact on my confidence and ability to talk about things I love. It also gave me lots of lifelong friends through meeting other competitors and doing the POV aftershow!
What will you miss most about the Schmoedown?
I think what I’ll miss the most is the live events and hanging out after matches with other players just chatting and having fun.
Mollie Damon can be found on Twitter @MollieDamon.